Kenya Hosts 124th International Coffee Council at the Kenyatta International Conference Center with a theme ‘Profitability, Consumption, Productivity’.

In Kenya Coffee sector currently contributes about Ksh. 20 Billion per anum,according to statistics from KNBS, this is why the country prides itself in hosting the 124th Session of International Council meeting from 25th to 29th March 2019 in Nairobi.
The coffee sub sector in Kenya is one of the contributing sectors in the growth of agriculture through foreign exchange earnings, food security, employment creation and family farming incomes; this is the main driving force behind Kenya hosting the 124th Coffee Council meeting according to the ministry of Agriculture in Kenya.

The ministry according to the Agriculture Food Authority, the lead player in the organization of the council meeting, “the government of Kenya takes cognizance of the strategic role the industry plays towards economic empowerment of the coffee farmers and service providers”.
Speaking during the Launch of the conference in Nairobi, International Coffee Organization ICO Mr. José Dauster commended Kenya for agreeing to host the 124th Council summit, noting that it shows the commitment Kenya has towards coffee development “When one travels around the world what stands out is the uniqueness of Kenyan Arabica coffee” says Mr. José.
The ICO Executive Director while acknowledging the strides Kenya has taken towards coffee development he says much needed to be done particularly addressing the myriad of challenges that has dogged this sector for the last 20 years.

As a way to develop the coffee sub-sector in Kenya to become productive,ICO Executive Director encouraged the country to scale local consumption of coffee products, noting this will make coffee sector competitive even with dwindling export which is a global phenomena.
The Kenya government through representation of Permanent secretary of Agriculture ministry with a research mandate Pro.Hamadi Boga said that the fact that the government of Kenya successfully bid for the right to host the 124th International coffee council.
“ kenya government in reforming coffee sector to become productive, the consolidation of small scale coffee farming is being encouraged, up-scaling technology in coffee farming with a pilot program being held in Nyeri and Kirinyaga Counties before being rolled in all coffee growing regions in Kenya.

The Five day Council meeting brings together coffeeprenuers and experts from Africa and around the world including governments, farmers coffee traders, academia and international organization, to share knowledge and experience while showcasing best practices and innovation in the coffee industry, with special attention being given to the aspect of profitability along value chain, inline with thematic focus of the International Coffee Organization for Coffee year 2018/19.


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