The Annual Diarytech and Foodtec Africa Exhibition and conference has kicked off in Nairobi ,the expo is scheduled to run from 24th July to 26th July
Speaking during the Opening Ceremony at the Iconic Kenyatta International Convetion Center KICC,the Permanent Secretary of State Department of Livestock in the Ministry of Agriculture Hon.Jonathan Mueke said that High value dairy products such as cheese, butter and yogurt are the pathway to job and wealth creation in the industry.
“To produce these products for both local consumption and export, our manufacturers need access to equipment with the latest technology. I this morning attended the Dairy Tech conference and exhibition at KICC, Nairobi and got to see the latest technological advancements in dairy processing, quality testing and rapid milk cooling” Said PS Mueke.
The Permanent Secretary added that “I encourage our dairy farmers and processors to stop by KICC over the next few days to empower themselves with knowledge on the latest innovations in the industry” Said PS Mueke.
Among the notable firms exhibiting is the Dodla Diary Kenya Limited which is showcasing their long-life milk product which is jointly implemented by SNV Netherlands Development Organization and funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Its overall goal is to contribute to improved competitiveness of the Kenya dairy sector and an improved business and investment climate.
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